Folha do Motorista SP
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São Paulo vai sortear quase 3 mil novas vagas em pontos de Taxi

The Department of Public Transport (DTP) published on the 22nd the notice for the draw for new vacancies at Taxi ranks in the Regular and Black categories in São Paulo.

In total, 2,912 parking spaces will be available. Those interested in participating in the draw for the parking spaces can be the license holder, the second driver, co-owner or the agent. Registrations can be made on the city's website from Thursday (November 23) until December 7.

Most of the available vacancies are located in the central region of São Paulo, however, there are vacancies available in all regions of the city.

The registration process is simple. The interested party must indicate the parking spot of their choice, and they will receive a registration number to participate in the draw. It is important that the number generated is kept until the end of the process.

To participate in the draw you must:

  • Be in good standing with the DTP (Public Transport Department)
  • Be linked to common and black taxi category licenses
  • Not having been excluded from a private parking spot in the last 12 months
  • Be up to date with the payment of the Black Taxi concession (for drivers in this category)

The draw for vacancies will be open to the public and will take place on December 22nd at the DTP headquarters, the list of successful candidates will be published in the Official Gazette by January 2nd.

Important information:

For more information, call (11) 2796-3299, extensions 816, 820 or 822.

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